GivingDNA Training videos

In this section you will find training videos to get you started with GivingDNA and expand your knowledge of the platform

GivingDNA Overview – A brief video on GivingDNA and how it can help you!


Uploading your data files - Learn how to upload your constituent and gift files.


Using the filters on GivingDNA - Learn all about the different filters on GivingDNA and how they work.


Giving Dashboard - Learn about the charts and how to use the Giving Dashboard.


Constituents Dashboard - Learn about the insights provided on the Constituents Dashboard and how to use it.


Constituents List - Learn about what is included on the Constituents List and how to use Donor Dossiers.


Saved Segments - Learn how to save segments as well as how they work and where to find them.


Navigating the GivingDNA Homepage - Learn all about the information on the homepage, how it's populated and when it is updated.


Opportunity Alerts - Learn what Opportunity Alerts are and how you can use them.


Portfolio pages & Major Giving Dashboard - Learn how to build and use Portfolio pages and how they populate the Major Giving Dashboard.